Purpose of the Bear Care Group on Facebook
Our Facebook page is for all bear caregivers and professionals who work in the field or who advocate for change for captive bear care and bear conservation.
The Bear Care Group is a non-profit organization focused on developing educational opportunities for bear care professionals in all parts of the world to help them to provide better care for their captive bears.
The Bear Care Group Facebook Membership Includes:
Professionals who work in captive bear care or conservation
This includes: (active, former, retired)
Animal care workers, volunteers
Professional animal welfare advocates
Scientists/researchers in the field
Professional wildlife photographers
Organizations and businesses that support bear welfare, work, and conservation
If you do not fit into one of these categories but feel you would like to contribute to the Bear Care Group's Facebook group, please contact us at info@bearcaregroup.org with your credentials and the Board will get back to you.
* The Bear Care Group Facebook Admins are entitled to deny entry to any member they choose. They are also allowed to remove members that don't comply with the guidelines.
Bear Care Group Guidelines for Posting on Facebook:
The Bear Care Group encourages all Facebook members to participate in the conversations on our page, including posting on our wall and sharing comments. However, we ask that you follow our posting guidelines. Posts will be removed if they violate the guidelines listed below.
All posts and comments must be in accordance with professional ethics.
The Bear Care Group allows all of its supporters to state an opinion in a courteous manner. Profane, defamatory, offensive, or violent language will be deleted.
Statements that are derogatory against a person, a people, a country, a religion, a group, or a way of life will be deleted.
Statements that are meant to harass, threaten, or abuse others will be deleted.
Anti-zoo, anti-sanctuary, anti-rehabilitation, anti-advocacy, anti-organization, etc. statements will be deleted.
Requests for funding or donations are not allowed (with the exception of a fundraiser being run by or endorsed by the Bear Care Group.)
If a single individual starts a discussion that all other members disagree with, it may, at the discretion of the Bear Care Group Admins, be considered trolling. Trolls will be removed from the group.
Please stick to the purpose of this Facebook group. Irrelevant content does not belong here - it belongs on other pages.
Think before you post! This is Facebook, one of the biggest social media sites - what goes up can never really come down. Respect the privacy of others!
Do not post contests, pyramid schemes, chain letters, junk email, spamming, or any duplicative or unsolicited messages (commercial or otherwise.)
Do not upload files that contain viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots, corrupted files, or any other similar software or programs that may damage the operation of another's computer or property of another.
Do not advertise or offer to sell or buy any goods or services for any business or personal purpose.
Do not request to sign petitions.
Requests for donations are not allowed.
All posts and comments are monitored by the Board of Directors and may be denied or removed at their discretion. Please contact us at info@bearcaregroup.org if you have any concerns or inquiries about posting.
All social media guidelines can be found on our website http://www.bearcaregroup.org